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Inside Down Under
Earth's Mystical Grand Canyons - Australia

International canyoneer and explorer Richard D. Fisher extensively researched the site of a NASA earth photograph featuring a vast canyon system and asteroid crater(s) in Australia from May 1999 to July 2000. This led to the first known comprehensive inventory and documentary of the canyons of the Australian continent.

While investigating the background geology of these beautiful and diverse canyons, Fisher uncovered original and current Australian scientific research into the origins of life on earth. His field research into canyonlands and meteor impact craters in central and western Australia, along with interviews with top Australian geologists provided extensive background research which supported these findings. Fisher was able, for the first time, to piece together the puzzle of convergent information on origins of life on earth. Based on this research Fisher now believes that central and western Australia holds the evidence to a breakthrough discovery to the origins of life.

Fisher notes that most of the investigations have already been completed by top Australian researchers. Having just completed an in depth field survey of central and western Australia, he shares the observation that the exposed surface of Australia is of such great age that in the canyons and numerous impact craters the origins of life will be found.

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more books including books on the Copper Canyon in Mexico

Wilderness Research Expeditions
Sunracer Publications
PO Box 86492 • Tucson, AZ 85754 • (520) 882-5341
Volume 3, Number 2

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