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Mexico's Copper Canyon

For the Lovers of Copper Canyon and the Tarahumara People

History of Copper Canyon
and the Tarahumara Indians

- Second Edition-
sorry no longer in print

     For many years the classic text and history of Copper Canyon and the Tarahumara Indians has been out of print. Due to a deep commitment to the region, its people and its history, the publisher is seeking to help preserve and make available the most important books on the Copper Canyon and the Tarahumara culture in this new anthology of Unknown Mexico by Carl Lumholtz and the Silver Magnet by Grant Shepherd.

   The publisher is very excited to present, in the color photography section, a modern look at this incredibly diverse region.

    Up until 1990 very little had changed since 1890. In fact, in some respects the Northern Sierra Madre was even farther off the beaten track in modern times than a century ago. Of course, since 1990 the rate of modernization has accelerated dramatically.

    The outstanding photography of Carlos Lazcano in the indian cliff dwellings near Madera, the publisher's photographs of the newly discovered crystal caves and the highest waterfalls in Mexico, together with Batopilas Canyon and its diverse cultures will bring the reader back in time to the experiences of Lumholtz and Shepherd. The publisher is pleased to present this new work conjunction with the outstanding history of the region.

    Anthology of the most respected historical works on Copper Canyon, the Tarahumara Indians. Unknown Mexico by Carl Lumholtz, Silver Magnet by Grant Shepherd. These two historical classics on the exciting and mysterious canyonlands of Mexico under one cover with two full color sections by Richard D. Fisher, photographer and editor.

To Purchase please contact:
Sunracer Publications
P.O. Box 86492
Tucson, AZ 85754

This book is in stock. Please send your check or money order now.
(Sorry, we cannot accept credit cards.)

Price: $19.95USD + $3.05 S/H

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Please read the Letter from the
Publisher and Editor,
Richard D. Fisher


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